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  1. A. Mjalled, R. Namdar, L. Reineking, M. Norouzi, F. Varnik and M. Mönnigmann. Flow Field Prediction in Bed Configurations: A Parametric Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Autoencoder Approach. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 2024. more.. 
  1. K. D. Sommer, L. Reineking, Y. P. Ravichandran, R. Skoda, and M. Mönnigmann. Estimating flow fields with reduced order models. Heliyon, 9 (11): e20930, 2023. more.. 
  1. L. Reineking, J. Fischer, A. Mjalled, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer, and M. Mönnigmann. Convective drying of wood chips: accelerating coupled DEM-CFD simulations with parametrized reduced single particle models. Particuology, 84: 158-167, 2023. more.. 
  1. R. Jendersie, A. Mjalled, X. Lu, L. Reineking, A. Kharaghani, M. Mönnigmann and C. Lessig. NeuroPNM: Model Reduction of Pore Network Models using Neural Networks. Particuology, 86: 239-251, 2023. more.. 

Konferenzbeiträge in Proceedings

  1. A. Mjalled, L. Reineking, and M. Mönnigmann. Parametric Data-Driven Reduced Order Model using Neural Networks and Manifold-based Interpolation. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Process Control (PC): 168–173, 2023. more.. 
  1. L. Reineking and K. D. Sommer and Y. P. Ravichandran and R. Skoda and M. Mönnigmann, . Long-term stable reduced models for hydraulic systems governed by Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations. 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems DYCOPS 2022: 254-259, 2022. more.. 

Konferenzbeiträge ohne Proceedings

  1. K. D. Sommer, L. Reineking and M. Mönnigmann. Zustandsschätzung von Strömungsfeldern in hydraulischen Maschinen mit reduzierten Modellen.  57. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, 22.-24. Februar 2023
  1. L. Reineking, J. Fischer, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer and M. Mönnigmann. Bulk particle process simulation with parametrized reduced single particle models.  1st International Workshop on Reacting Particle-Gas Systems, 2022
  1. A. Mjalled, R. Jendersie, X. Lu, L. Reineking, A. Kharaghani, M. Mönnigmann and C. Lessig. NeuroPNM: Model Reduction of Pore Network Models using Neural Networks.  1st International Workshop on Reacting Particle-Gas Systems, 2022