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  1. R. Dyrska and M. Mönnigmann. Active set prediction for nonlinear model predictive control on a shrinking horizon based on the principle of optimality. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 34 (4): 2768-2780, 2024. more.. 
  1. L. Mieg, T. Bergold, E. Illana Mahiques, V. Scherer and M. Mönnigmann. A reduced model for particle calcination for use in DEM/CFD simulations. Particuology: 316-327, 2024. more.. 
  1. A. Mjalled, R. Namdar, L. Reineking, M. Norouzi, F. Varnik and M. Mönnigmann. Flow Field Prediction in Bed Configurations: A Parametric Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Autoencoder Approach. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 2024. more.. 
  1. R. Mitze, M. Kvasnica, and M. Mönnigmann. Exploiting symmetries in active set enumeration for constrained linear-quadratic optimal control. Automatica, 151: 110900, 2023. more.. 
  1. J. Müller, S. Leonow, J. Schulz, C. Hansen, and M. Mönnigmann. Wear dependent virtual flow rate sensor for progressing cavity pumps with deformable stator. Petroleum Science, 2023. more.. 
  1. R. Dyrska, M. Horváthová, P. Bakaráč, M. Mönnigmann, and J. Oravec. Heat exchanger control using model predictive control with constraint removal. Applied Thermal Engineering: 120366, 2023. more.. 
  1. O. Vogel, R. Dyrska, J. Müller, M. Mönnigmann, and A. Kluge. What is buzzing around me? Assessing the Influence of Indoor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on Human Cognitive Performance. Submitted to Applied Ergonomics, 2023.
  1. K. D. Sommer, L. Reineking, Y. P. Ravichandran, R. Skoda, and M. Mönnigmann. Estimating flow fields with reduced order models. Heliyon, 9 (11): e20930, 2023. more.. 
  1. L. Reineking, J. Fischer, A. Mjalled, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer, and M. Mönnigmann. Convective drying of wood chips: accelerating coupled DEM-CFD simulations with parametrized reduced single particle models. Particuology, 84: 158-167, 2023. more.. 
  1. R. Jendersie, A. Mjalled, X. Lu, L. Reineking, A. Kharaghani, M. Mönnigmann and C. Lessig. NeuroPNM: Model Reduction of Pore Network Models using Neural Networks. Particuology, 86: 239-251, 2023. more.. 
  1. J. Sinnemann, M. Boshoff, R. Dyrska, S. Leonow, M. Mönnigmann, and B. Kuhlenkötter. Systematic literature review of applications and usage potentials for the combination of unmanned aerial vehicles and mobile robot manipulators in production systems. Production Engineering: 579-596, 2022. more.. 
  1. M. O. Berner and M. Mönnigmann. Comparison of two model reduction approaches of an industrial drying process. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 69 (8): 667-682, 2021.
  1. Y. Löhr, D. Wolf, C. Pollerberg, A. Hörsting and M. Mönnigmann. Supervisory model predictive control for combined electrical and thermal supply with multiple sources and storages. Applied Energy, 290: 116742, 2021.
  1. J. Müller, Y. Kouhi, S. Leonow, and M. Mönnigmann. Modeling pressure pulsation and backflow in progressing cavity pumps with deformable stator. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 203: 108402, 2021.
  1. M. O. Berner and V. Scherer and M. Mönnigmann. Controllability analysis and optimal control of biomass drying with reduced order models. Journal of Process Control, 89: 1-10, 2020.
  1. M. O. Berner and V. Scherer and M. Mönnigmann. An observer for partially obstructed wood particles in industrial drying processes. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 141, 2020.
  1. P. Berner and M. Mönnigmann. A Complexity Analysis of Event-Triggered Model Predictive Control on Industrial Hardware. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology: 2625-2632, 2020. more.. 
  1. R. Mitze and M. Mönnigmann. A dynamic programming approach to solving constrained linear-quadratic optimal control problems. Automatica, 120: 109132, 2020. more.. 
  1. K. König and M. Mönnigmann. Accelerating MPC by online detection of state space sets with common optimal feedback laws. Optimal Control Applications and Methods (submitted), 2020.
  1. M. Mönnigmann. On the structure of the set of active sets in constrained linear quadratic regulation. Automatica, 106: 61-69, 2019. more.. 
  1. J. Otten, J. Müller and M. Mönnigmann. Bifurcation-aware optimization and robust synchronization of coupled laser diodes. Phys. Rev. E, 98: 062212, 2018.
  1. M. Jost, G. Pannocchia and M. Mönnigmann. Accelerating linear model predictive control by constraint removal. European Journal of Control, 35: 42-49, 2017. more.. 
  1. K. König and M. Mönnigmann. Regionale prädiktive Regelung - Modellprädiktive Regelung mittels stückweise definiertem Riccati-Regler. at-Automatisierungstechnik, 65, (12): 808-821, 2017.
  1. V. Scherer, M. Mönnigmann, M. O. Berner and F. Sudbrock. Coupled DEM-CFD simulation of drying wood chips in a rotary drum - Baffle design and model reduction. FUEL, 184: 896-904, 2016. more.. 
  1. M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. Improved automatic computation of Hessian matrix spectral bounds. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 38: A2068-A2090, 2016.
  1. M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. A stabilizing control scheme for linear systems on controlled invariant sets. Systems and Control Letters, 79: 8-14, 2015.
  1. D. Kastsian and M. Mönnigmann. Robust optimization of periodically operated nonlinear uncertain processes. Chemical Engineering Science, 106: 109-118, 2014. more.. 
  1. M. Jost, G. Pannocchia and M. Mönnigmann. Online constraint removal: accelerating MPC with a Lyapunov. Automatica, 57: 164-169, 2014. more.. 
  1. M. Schulze Darup, M. Kastsian, S. Mross and M. Mönnigmann. Efficient computation of spectral bounds for Hessian matrices on hyperrectangles for global optimization. Journal of Global Optimization: 631-652, 2014.
  1. Grote, W. and Kastsian, D. and Mönnigmann, M. Guaranteed stability in optimal power generation dispatching under uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28 (2): 1103-1112, 2013. more.. 
  1. A. Dittrich and T. Quaiser and Ch. Khouri and D. Görtz and M. Mönnigmann and F. Schaper. Model-driven experimental analysis of the function of SHP-2 in IL-6-induced Jak/STAT signaling. Molecular Biosystems (in print), 2012. more.. 
  1. M. Kastsian and M. Jost and M. Mönnigmann. Ansätze zur Berechnung und schnellen Auswertung expliziter modellprädiktiver Regelgesetze. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 60 (8): 433-441, 2012. more.. 
  1. J. Härterich, C. Kiss, A. Rooch, M. Mönnigmann, M. Schulze Darup and R. Span. MathePraxis - Connecting first year mathematics with engineering applications. European Journal of Engineering Education, 37 (3): 255-266, 2012. more.. 
  1. D. Kastsian and M. Mönnigmann. Optimization of a vendor managed inventory supply chain with guaranteed stability and robustness. International Journal of Production Economics, 131 (2): 727-735, 2011. more.. 
  1. M. Mönnigmann. Fast calculation of spectral bounds for Hessian matrices on hyperrectangles. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 32 (4): 1351-1366, 2011. more.. 
  1. T. Quaiser and A. Dittrich and F. Schaper and M. Mönnigmann. A simple work flow for biologically inspired model reduction - application to early JAK-STAT signaling. BMC Systems Biology, 5 (30), 2011. more.. 
  1. D. Kastsian and M. Mönnigmann. Robust optimization of fixed points of nonlinear discrete time systems with uncertain parameters. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 9 (2): 357-390, 2010. more.. 
  1. T. Quaiser and M. Mönnigmann. Systematic identifiability testing for unambiguous mechanistic modeling - application to JAK-STAT, MAP kinase, and NF-kappaB signaling pathway models. BMC Systems Biology, 3 (50), 2009. more.. 
  1. M. Diehl, J. Gerhard, W. Marquardt, and M. Mönnigmann. Numerical solution approaches for robust nonlinear optimal control problems. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 32 (6): 1287-1300, 2008. more.. 
  1. J. Gerhard, M. Mönnigmann, and W. Marquardt. Normal vectors on critical manifolds for robust design of transient processes in the presence of fast disturbances. SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, 7 (2): 461-490, 2008. more.. 
  1. J. Gerhard, M. Mönnigmann, and W. Marquardt. Steady state optimization with guaranteed stability of a tryptophan biosynthesis model. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 32 (12): 2914-2919, 2008. more.. 
  1. R. Grosch, M. Mönnigmann, and W. Marquardt. Integrated design and control for robust performance: Application to an MSMPR crystallizer. Journal of Process Control, 18 (2): 173-188, 2008. more.. 
  1. J. Hahn, M. Mönnigmann, and W. Marquardt. On the use of bifurcation analysis for robust controller tuning for nonlinear systems. Journal of Process Control, 18 (3-4): 408-420, 2008. more.. 
  1. M. Mönnigmann. Efficient calculation of bounds on spectra of Hessian matrices. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 30 (5): 2340-2357, 2007. more.. 
  1. A. Herrmann, M. Vogt, M. Mönnigmann, T. Clahsen, U. Sommer, S. Haan, V. Poli, P. C. Heinrich, and G. Müller-Newen. Nucleocytoplasmatic shuttling of persistently activated STAT3. Journal of Cell Science, 120 (18): 3249-3261, 2007. more.. 
  1. M. Mönnigmann and W. Marquardt and C. H. Bischof and T. Beelitz and B. Lang and P. Willems. A hybrid approach for efficient robust design of dynamic systems. SIAM Review, 49 (2): 236-254, 2007. more.. 
  1. C. A. Floudas, H. K. Fung, S. R. McAllister, M. Mönnigmann, and R. Rajgaria. Advances in protein structure prediction and de novo protein design: A review. Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (3): 966-988, 2006. more.. 
  1. M. Mönnigmann and J. Gerhard and W. Marquardt. Anlagen- und Prozessoptimierung - auch mit unsicheren Modellen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik Plus, 10: 25-27, 2006.
  1. W. Marquardt and M. Mönnigmann. Constructive nonlinear dynamics in process systems engineering. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 29 (6): 1265-1275, 2005. more.. 
  1. M. Mönnigmann and C. A. Floudas. Protein loop structure prediction with flexible stem geometries. Proteins - Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 61 (4): 748-762, 2005. more.. 
  1. M. Mönnigmann and W. Marquardt. Steady-state process optimization with guaranteed robust stability and flexibility: Application to HDA reaction section. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44: 2737-2753, 2005. more.. 
  1. J. Hahn, M. Mönnigmann, and W. Marquardt. A method for robustness analysis of controlled nonlinear systems. Chemical Engineering Science, 59 (20): 4325-4338, 2004. more.. 
  1. M. Mönnigmann and W. Marquardt. Steady-state process optimization with guaranteed robust stability and feasibility. AIChE Journal, 49 (12): 3110-3126, 2003. more.. 
  1. M. Mönnigmann and W. Marquardt. Normal vectors on manifolds of critical points for parametric robustness of equilibrium solutions of ODE systems. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 12 (2): 85-112, 2002. more.. 
  1. M. Strösser, M. Mönnigmann, and V. Dohm. Universal amplitude ratios for the superfluid transition of He-4. Physica B, 284: 41-42, 2000. more.. 
  1. S. A. Larin, M. Mönnigmann, M. Strösser, and V. Dohm. Five-loop additive renormalization in the phi(4) theory and amplitude functions of the minimally renormalized specific heat in three dimensions. Physical Review B, 58 (6): 3394-3408, 1998. more.. 

Chapters in books

  1. J. Härterich, M. Mönnigmann, A. Rooch. Mit Trigonometrie schaukelfrei ans Ziel: Kransteuerung. In Das Mathe-Praxis-Buch, J. Härterich, A. Rooch, (Ed.), Springer-Vieweg, 2014.
  1. J. Härterich, M. Mönnigmann, A. Rooch, M. Schulze Darup. Balancieren mit Differentialgleichungen: Der Segway. In Das Mathe-Praxis-Buch, J. Härterich, A. Rooch, (Ed.), Springer-Vieweg, 2014.
  1. M. Mönnigmann and C. A. Floudas. Protein Loop Structure Prediction Methods. In Encyclopedia of Optimization, C. A. Floudas and P. M. Pardalos (Ed.), Springer Verlag, 2008.
  1. M. Mönnigmann and W. Marquardt. Robust Design of Dynamic Systems by Constuctive Nonlinear Dynamics. In Encyclopedia of Optimization, C. A. Floudas and P. M. Pardalos (Ed.), Springer Verlag, 2008.
  1. J. Gerhard, M. Mönnigmann, and W. Marquardt. Constructive Nonlinear Dynamics Foundations and Application to Robust Nonlinear Control. In Control and Observer Design for Nonlinear Finite- and Infinite-Dimensional Systems, T. Meurer, K. Graichen, and E. D. Gilles (Ed.), Springer, 2005.
  1. M. Mönnigmann, J. Hahn, and W. Marquardt. Towards Constructive Nonlinear Dynamics - Case Studies in Chemical Process Design. In G. Radons, R. Neugebauer (Eds.), Nonlinear Dynamics of Production Systems, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003.
  1. M. Mönnigmann. Constructive Nonlinear Dynamics for the Design of Chemical Engineering Processes. Ph.D. Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, 2004.

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. M. Mönnigmann and R. Hill and A. Bemporad and G. Pannocchia. Symbolic dynamics for active sets of a class of constrained nonlinear optimal control and MPC problems. IFAC-PapersOnLine 58 (18): 181-187, 2024. more.. 
  1. M. Smart and S. Y. Shvartsman and M. Mönnigmann. A minimal dynamical system and analog circuit for non-associative learning. Acc. for Proc. Conf. Decision and Control 2024, , 2024. more.. 
  1. S. Leonow, Q. Zhang and M. Mönnigmann. A Modular Soft Sensor for Centrifugal Pumps. Accepted to the 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2024), 2024.
  1. R. Dyrska, S. Leonow, M. Fikar, and M. Mönnigmann. A Feasibility Condition for the Governor-based Tuning of Explicit MPC: Application to a Hydraulic Plant. Accepted to the 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2024), 2024.
  1. R. Dyrska and M. Mönnigmann. Properties of Nonlinear MPC Solutions Illustrated with a Simple Example. Accepted to the 8th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC 2024), 2024.
  1. A. Mjalled, K. D. Sommer, Y. P. Ravichandran, R. Skoda and M. Mönnigmann. Reduced order models of centrifugal pump for control applications: a comparison of Galerkin-projection and neural networks. 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2024), 2024. more.. 
  1. S. Dadras Javan, B. Lammersmann and M. Mönnigmann. MPC for Simultaneous Electrical and Thermal Flow Optimization in Buildings. Accepted to the 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2024), 2024.
  1. D. Müller, K. Weinberger, R. Dyrska, A. Sezgin and M. Mönnigmann. Assessing EKF-based Orientation Uncertainties and its Impact on the Channels of UAV-mounted RIS. Accepted to the 100th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Fall), 2024.
  1. D. Müller, P. Herbers, R. Dyrska, F. Celik, M. König and M. Mönnigmann. Inside Bridges: Autonomous Crack Inspection with Nano UAVs in GNSS-Denied Environments. Accepted to the 18th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV2024), 2024.
  1. S. Leonow, R. Dyrska and M. Mönnigmann. Embedded Implementation of a Neural Network Controller emulating Nonlinear MPC in a process control application. Proceedings to the European Control Conference (ECC) 2023: 934-939, 2023. more.. 
  1. R. Mitze and M. Mönnigmann. Exploiting symmetries in tree-based combinatorial calculation of explicit linear MPC solutions. 24th International Conference on Process Control, High Tatras: 48-53, 2023.
  1. J. Müller, S. Leonow, and M. Mönnigmann. Optimal stator adjustment with minimal sensor requirements for variable stator progressing cavity pumps. Accepted to the IFAC World Congress 2023, 2023.
  1. K. Weinberger, S. Tewes, J. Müller, R. Dyrska, M. Mönnigmann, and A. Sezgin. Flying Intelligent Surfaces: Joint adjustment of position and configuration for UAV-mounted RISs. 97th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2023 Spring: 1-5, 2023. more.. 
  1. R. Dyrska, J. Müller, M. Fikar, and M. Mönnigmann. Simple Controller Tuning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Governors. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Process Control (PC): 108-113, 2023. more.. 
  1. A. Mjalled, L. Reineking, and M. Mönnigmann. Parametric Data-Driven Reduced Order Model using Neural Networks and Manifold-based Interpolation. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Process Control (PC): 168–173, 2023. more.. 
  1. A. Mjalled, E. Torres, and M. Mönnigmann. Reduced-Order Modeling Framework Using Two-Level Neural Networks. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2023. more.. 
  1. A. Mjalled, M. El Hassan, H. Assoum and M. Mönnigmann. Data-driven modeling using convolutional neural network for experimental velocity fields of an impinging jet. European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, EMSS, 2023. more.. 
  1. R. Mitze and M. Mönnigmann. Improved active set dynamic programming for solving linear-quadratic optimal control problems. Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC): 1764-1769, 2022. more.. 
  1. R. Dyrska and M. Mönnigmann. Simplified Nonlinear Programs for NMPC Based on Active Set Construction. Proceedings of the IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC): 3699-3704, 2022. more.. 
  1. L. Reineking and K. D. Sommer and Y. P. Ravichandran and R. Skoda and M. Mönnigmann, . Long-term stable reduced models for hydraulic systems governed by Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations. 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems DYCOPS 2022: 254-259, 2022. more.. 
  1. M. Hampe, S. Leonow and M. Mönnigmann. Online Optimal Tuning of Relay Feedback Controllers for a class of Second-Order Systems with Limited Measurements. accepted for 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS): 981-986, 2022. more.. 
  1. R. Mitze, R. Dyrska, K. König, and M. Mönnigmann. State space sets with common optimal feedback laws for nonlinear MPC. 23rd International Conference on Process Control, High Tatras: 55-59, 2021. more.. 
  1. K. König and M. Mönnigmann. Accelerating min-max model predictive control by regional feedback laws. Submitted to 7th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control 2021, 2021.
  1. Y. Löhr and M. Mönnigmann. MPC for heating systems with minimum up- and down-time requirements. Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control 2021: 206-211, 2021. more.. 
  1. J. Müller, S. Leonow, J. Schulz, C. Hansen and M. Mönnigmann. Online wear detection for joints in progressing cavity pumps. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes: 188-193, 2021. more.. 
  1. J. Müller, S. Leonow, J. Schulz, C. Hansen and M. Mönnigmann. Adaptive flow rate calculation for progressing cavity pumps. 23rd International Conference on Process Control (PC): 194-199, 2021.
  1. R. Dyrska and R. Mitze, and M. Mönnigmann. Regional Control Laws as Fallback Strategy for Nonlinear MPC: Application to Wind Turbine Control. 2021 European Control Conference (ECC): 1531-1536, 2021. more.. 
  1. R. Dyrska and M. Mönnigmann. Accelerating nonlinear model predictive control by constraint removal. Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: 278-283, 2021. more.. 
  1. K. D. Sommer, P. Berner and M. Mönnigmann. Reducing the Number of Optimization Problems in Trajectory Tracking Model Predictive Control. 19th European Control Conference 2021: 611-616, 2021. more.. 
  1. S. Leonow and M. Mönnigmann. Adaptive control for systems with two binary measurements. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2): 3779-3784, 2020. more.. 
  1. R. Mitze and M. Mönnigmann. Dynamic programming for explicit linear MPC with point-symmetric constraints. Proceedings of the 21st IFAC World Congress: 6917-6922, 2020. more.. 
  1. Y. Löhr, M. Klauco, M. Fikar and M. Mönnigmann. Machine Learning Assisted Solutions of Mixed Integer MPC on Embedded Platforms. Proceedings of the 21th IFAC World Congress: 5195-5200, 2020.
  1. D. Dillkötter, J. Stoppok, M. Thiele, C. Esen, and M. Mönnigmann. Model-based temperature offset compensation for additive manufacturing by directed enegery deposition. 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin (accepted), 2020.
  1. J. Müller, Y. Kouhi, S. Leonow, and M. Mönnigmann. Wear detection for progressing cavity pumps with system identification methods. Proceedings of the 21st IFAC World Congress: 13650-13655, 2020.
  1. J. Oravec, J. Holaza, M. Kvasnica, R. Dyrska, M. Mönnigmann, and M. Fikar. Accelerating Explicit Model Predictive Control by Constraint Sorting. 21st IFAC World Congress 2020, Berlin: 11520-11525, 2020. more.. 
  1. J. Stoppok, D. Dillkötter, M. Thiele, C. Esen, S. Leonow, and M. Mönnigmann. Working Distance-Based Feedforward Control for Weld Bead Height Control in Directed Energy Deposition. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2): 11806-11811, 2020.
  1. Y. Kouhi, J. Müller, S. Leonow, and M. Mönnigmann. Speed and torque estimation of variable frequency drives with effective values of stator currents. Proceedings of the 21st IFAC World Congress: 8744-8749, 2020. more.. 
  1. P. Berner and K. König and M. Kvasnica and M. Mönnigmann. Active set updates in event-triggered networked MPC. Proceedings of the 2019 European Control Conference (ECC): 2743-2748, 2019.
  1. P. Berner and K. König and M. Kvasnica and M. Mönnigmann. Robust event-triggered networked MPC with active set updates. Proceedings of the 2019 22nd International Conference on Process Control (PC19): 7-12, 2019.
  1. P. Berner and M. Mönnigmann. Reducing Transmitted Data in Networked Event-Based MPC by Constraint Sorting. Proceedings of the 2019 22nd International Conference on Process Control (PC19): 25-30, 2019.
  1. S. Leonow and M. Mönnigmann. A self learning binary controller for increased control performance. Proceedings of the 18th European Control Conference 2019, Naples: 3632-3637, 2019. more.. 
  1. S. Leonow, T. Gunder and M. Mönnigmann. A self-learning binary controller for energy efficient pump operation. Proceedings of the 4th International Rotating Equipment Conference 2019 (IREC19), Wiesbaden: 1-10, 2019.
  1. Y. Löhr, M. Klauco, M. Kaluz and M. Mönnigmann. Mimicking Predictive Control with Neural Networks in Domestic Heating Systems. Proceedings of the 2019 22nd International Conference on Process Control (PC19): 19-24, 2019.
  1. D. Dillkötter and M. Mönnigmann. Design of a model based feedforward controller for additive manufacturing by laser deposition. Proceedings of the 18th European Control Conference 2019, Naples: 3842-3847, 2019.
  1. J. Müller, S. Leonow, J. Schulz, Ch. Hansen, and M. Mönnigmann. Towards model-based condition monitoring for progressing cavity pumps. Proceedings of the 4th International Rotating Equipment Conference 2019 (IREC19), Wiesbaden: 1-10, 2019.
  1. P. Berner and M. Mönnigmann. Event-Based Networked Model Predictive Control with Overclocked Local Nodes. Proceedings of the 2018 European Control Conference (ECC): 306-311, 2018.
  1. R. Mitze, D. Dillkötter, S. Gros, A. Schild, and M. Mönnigmann. Fast and smooth surface B-spline interpolation for regularly spaced data used in system modeling to make MPC real-time feasible. Proceedings of the 2018 European Control Conference (ECC): 667-672, 2018. more.. 
  1. K. König and M. Mönnigmann. Regional MPC with nonlinearly bounded regions of validity. Proceedings of the 2018 European Control Conference (ECC): 294 - 299, 2018.
  1. Y. Löhr and M. Mönnigmann. Receding horizon heat flow control in domestic buildings - Yesterday-based disturbance predictions. 2018 European Control Conference (ECC): 404-409, 2018.
  1. Y. Löhr and M. Mönnigmann. Optimal operation of electrical heating system with hybrid model predictive control. Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES2018): 274-279, 2018.
  1. T. Gunder, A. Sehlinger, R. Skoda and M. Mönnigmann. Sensor placement for reduced-order model-based observers in hydraulic fluid machinery. Second Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems (IFAC MICNON 2018), 2018.
  1. M. O. Berner, F. Sudbrock, V. Scherer and M. Mönnigmann. POD and Galerkin-based reduction of a wood chip drying model. Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress 2017, Toulouse, France: 6619-6623, 2017. more.. 
  1. M. Schulze Darup, M. Jost, G. Pannocchia and M. Mönnigmann. On the maximal controller gain in linear MPC. accepted for 20th IFAC World Congress, 2017.
  1. M. Schulze Darup, R. Dyrska, K. König and M. Mönnigmann. A novel event-triggered robust MPC scheme for linear systems. Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control: 2941-2946, 2017. more.. 
  1. S. Leonow, F. Wollenhaupt and M. Mönnigmann. Combined flow and pressure control for industrial pumps with simple adaptive MPC. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Process Control (PC17), High Tatras: 315-320, 2017. more.. 
  1. K. König and M. Mönnigmann. Regional MPC with active set updates. Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress: 12365-12370, 2017.
  1. Y. Löhr and M. Mönnigmann. Domestic heat generation and distribution with time-variant receding horizon control. Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress: 4191-4196, 2017. more.. 
  1. P. Berner and M. Mönnigmann. A Comparison of Four Variants of Event-Triggered Networked MPC. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control: 1519-1524, 2016.
  1. M. Jost and G. Pannocchia and M. Mönnigmann. Constraint Removal in Linear MPC: An Improved Criterion and Complexity Analysis. Accepted for the 2016 European Control Conference (ECC), 2016.
  1. S. Leonow and M. Mönnigmann. Operating point estimation in hydraulic turbomachines with non-invertible characteristics. Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2016 (ECC16), Aalborg: 2381-2385, 2016. more.. 
  1. S. Leonow and M. Mönnigmann. A smart pump prototype for increased energy efficiency. Proceedings of the International Rotating Equipment Conference 2016 (IREC16), Düsseldorf: 841-851, 2016.
  1. J. Otten and M. Mönnigmann. Robust Steady State Optimization with State Dependent Delays. Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems: 47-52, 2016. more.. 
  1. J. Otten and M. Mönnigmann. Robust optimization of delay differential equations with state and parameter dependent delays. Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control: 1441-1446, 2016.
  1. D. Mier and F. Möllenbruck and M. Jost and W. Grote and M. Mönnigmann. Model predictive control of the steam cycle in a solar power plant. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, Whistler, Canada, 7.-10. Juni, 2015, 2015.
  1. M. Jost, G. Pannocchia and M. Mönnigmann. Assessing the speed-up achievable by online constraint removal in MPC. Proceedings of the 2015 European Control Conference (ECC): 3439-3444, 2015.
  1. M. Jost, G. Pannocchia and M. Mönnigmann. Fast calculation of tube-based model predictive control laws for constrained linear systems with bounded disturbance. Proceedings of the 54. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC): 3651 - 3656, 2015.
  1. M. Jost, M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. Optimal and suboptimal event-triggering in linear model predictive control. Proceedings of the 2015 European Control Conference (ECC): 1147-1152, 2015.
  1. M. Mönnigmann, J. Otten and M. Jost. Nonlinear MPC defines implicit regional optimal control laws. Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC): 134-139, 2015. more.. 
  1. S. Osmic, O. Berner, A. Schwung, M. Jost and M. Mönnigmann. Flatness-Based Feedforward Control for Fast Operating Point Transitions of Compressor Systems. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Part of 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control: 1753-1758, 2014.
  1. A. Schwung, P. Berner, S. Osmic, M. Jost and M. Mönnigmann. Nonlinear Decoupling Control of Compressor Systems for Fast Load Transients in Combined Cycle Power Plants. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Part of 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control: 27-32, 2014.
  1. D. Kastsian, E. Oertel and M. Mönnigmann. Optimal parameters for stable walking of a compass-like biped robot. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Part of 2014 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control: 814-819, 2014.
  1. M. Jost, W. Grote, F. Möllenbruck and M. Mönnigmann. Plant-wide control of a parabolic trough power plant with thermal energy storage. Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress: 419-425, 2014.
  1. M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. Computation of the Largest Constraint Admissible Set for Linear Continuous-Time Systems with State and Input Constraints. Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress: 5574-5579, 2014.
  1. M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. On General Relations between Null-Controllabel and Controlled Invariant Sets for Linear Constrained Systems. 53th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control: 6323 - 6328, 2014.
  1. S. Leonow and M. Mönnigmann. Automatic controller tuning for soft sensor based flow rate control. Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town: 5229-5234, 2014. more.. 
  1. D. Kastsian and M. Mönnigmann. Impact of delay on robust stable optimization of a CSTR with recycle stream. 10th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS): 433-438, 2013.
  1. M. Jost and M. Mönnigmann. Accelerating model predictive control by online constraint removal. Proceedings of the 52. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC): 5764-5769, 2013.
  1. M. Jost and M. Mönnigmann. Accelerating online MPC with partial explicit information and linear storage complexity in the number of constraints. Proceedings of the 2013 European Control Conference (ECC): 35-40, 2013.
  1. M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. Null-controllable set computation for a class of constrained bilinear systems. Proceedings of the 2013 European Control Conference (ECC): 2758-2763, 2013.
  1. M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. Accurate Approximation of the Largest Null-Controllable Set for Single-Input Bilinear Systems. Proceedings of the 52th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control: 3951-3956, 2013.
  1. S. Leonow and M. Mönnigmann. Soft sensor based dynamic flow rate estimation in low speed radial pumps. European Control Conference 2013, Zurich: 778-783, 2013. more.. 
  1. S. Leonow and M. Mönnigmann. Automatic identification and controller synthesis for fluid level control using soft sensing. IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems 2013, Mumbai: 732-737, 2013. more.. 
  1. D. Kastsian and M. Mönnigmann. Robust optimization of periodically operated reactors with stability constraints. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), Part of 2012 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control: 184-189, 2012.
  1. M. Mönnigmann and M. Jost. Vertex based calculation of explicit MPC laws. Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference (ACC): 423-428, 2012.
  1. M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. Approximate explicit NMPC with guaranteed stability ensured by a simple auxiliary controller. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC): 270-275, 2012.
  1. M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. Low complexity suboptimal explicit NMPC. Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC): 406-411, 2012.
  1. D.M. Raimondo and O. Huber and M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann and M. Morari. Constrained time-optimal control for nonlinear systems: a fast explicit approximation. Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC): 113-118, 2012.
  1. Grote, W. and Kastsian, D. and Mönnigmann, M.. Optimal power system unit commitment with guaranteed local stability. American Control Conference (ACC) 2011: 4526-4531, 2011.
  1. D. Kastsian and M. Mönnigmann. Robust stable cost optimization in a three echelon supply chain model. Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress: 6407-6412, 2011.
  1. M. Mönnigmann and M. Kastsian. Fast explicit model predictive control with multiway trees. Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress: 1356-1361, 2011.
  1. M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. Positive invariance tests with efficient affine inclusions. Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress: 11115-11120, 2011.
  1. M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. Explicit feasible initialization for nonlinear MPC with guaranteed stability. Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC): 2674-2679, 2011.
  1. T. Quaiser and W. Marquardt and M. Mönnigmann. Local identifiability analysis of large signaling pathway models. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference Foundation of Systems Biology in Engineering: 465-470, 2007.
  1. J. Gerhard, M. Mönnigmann, and W. Marquardt. Towards robust design of closed-loop nonlinear systems with input and state constraints. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM) 2006: 329-334, 2006.
  1. J. Gerhard, M.-C. Laiou, M. Mönnigmann, and W. Marquardt. Robust yaw control design with active differential and active roll control systems. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005.
  1. J. Gerhard, M. Mönnigmann, and W. Marquardt. Robust stable nonlinear control and design of a CSTR in a large operating range. S.L. Shah, J.F. MacGregor (Eds.): Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS), 2004.
  1. W. Marquardt and M. Mönnigmann. Constructive nonlinear dynamics in process systems engineering. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) - 14: 99-116, Elsevier, 2004.
  1. M.-C. Laiou, M. Mönnigmann, and W. Marquardt. Stabilization of nonlinear systems by bifurcation placement. Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS) 2004: 837-842, 2004.
  1. J. Hahn, M. Mönnigmann, and W. Marquardt. Robust tuning of feedback linearizing controllers via bifurcation analysis. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM) 2003: 525-530, 2003.
  1. R. Grosch, M. Mönnigmann, H. Briesen, and W. Marquardt. Optimal design of a continuous crystallizer with guaranteed parametric robust stability. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) - 12: 205-210, Elsevier, 2002.
  1. M. Mönnigmann and W. Marquardt. Parametrically robust control-integrated design of nonlinear systems. American Control Conference (ACC) 2002: 4321-4326, 2002.
  1. C. H. Bischof, B. Lang, W. Marquardt, and M. Mönnigmann. Verified determination of singularities in chemical processes. Scientific Computing, Validated Numerics, Interval Methods: 305-317, Kluwer, 2001.

Conference contributions

  1. A. Mjalled, M. El Hassan, J. Boldocky, M. Gulan and M. Mönnigmann. Improved Neural Ordinary Differential Equation-based Reduced Model for Impinging Jet using Wall Shear Stress.  Submitted
  1. O. Skrebec, R. Dyrska, M. Mönnigmann, J. Müller, and A. Kluge. Auswirkungen von Indoor-Transport-Drohnenflügen auf die Konzentrationsleistung von „Knowledge Workern“ im Advanced Manufacturing.  Accepted to the 13. AOWI-Fachgruppentagung 2023 - Proaktive Anpassung an eine sich verändernde Arbeitswelt
  1. K. D. Sommer, L. Reineking and M. Mönnigmann. Zustandsschätzung von Strömungsfeldern in hydraulischen Maschinen mit reduzierten Modellen.  57. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, 22.-24. Februar 2023
  1. Q. Zhang and M. Mönnigmann. Smart pumps for digitized seafare (SPuDiS).   Poster contribution at 24th International Conference on Process Control, High Tatras
  1. L. Reineking, J. Fischer, E. Illana, S. Wirtz, V. Scherer and M. Mönnigmann. Bulk particle process simulation with parametrized reduced single particle models.  1st International Workshop on Reacting Particle-Gas Systems, 2022
  1. A. Mjalled, R. Jendersie, X. Lu, L. Reineking, A. Kharaghani, M. Mönnigmann and C. Lessig. NeuroPNM: Model Reduction of Pore Network Models using Neural Networks.  1st International Workshop on Reacting Particle-Gas Systems, 2022
  1. R. Dyrska, R. Mitze, M. Fikar, M. Kvasnica, and M. Mönnigmann. Skipping Optimization Problems in Nonlinear Model Predictive Control by Exploiting Saturation.  23nd International Conference on Process Control, High Tatras
  1. R. Mitze and M. Mönnigmann. Algebraische dynamische Programmierung für linear-quadratische Optimalsteuerungsaufgaben mit Beschränkungen.  53. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, 20.-22. Februar 2019
  1. R. Mitze and M. Mönnigmann. Algebraic dynamic programming for constrained linear-quadratic optimal control problems.   Poster contribution at 22nd International Conference on Process Control, High Tatras
  1. D. Dillkötter and M. Mönnigmann. Stepper Motor Position Reconstruction by Current Sensing.   Accepted to 22nd International Conference on Process Control, High Tatras, 2019
  1. R. Dyrska and M. Mönnigmann. Reducing the offline effort of constraint removal for nonlinear model predictive control.   22nd International Conference on Process Control, High Tatras, 2019
  1. R. Dyrska and M. Mönnigmann. Accelerating nonlinear model predictive control by constraint removal.  6th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Madison, 2018
  1. K. König and M. Mönnigmann. Regionale prädiktive Regelung - MPC als Abtastung eines stückweise definierten Riccati-Reglers.  Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, 15.-17. Februar 2017
  1. V. Scherer, M. Mönnigmann, O. Berner and F. Sudbrock. Coupled DEM-CFD Simulation of Drying Wood Chips: An Attempt to Introduce Reduced Order Models on the Particle Scale.  Clean Air 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, 5-9 July 2015
  1. S. Leonow and M. Mönnigmann. Softsensorbasierte Durchflussschätzung zur kostengünstigen Regelung von Kreiselpumpen.  Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, 19.-21. Februar 2014
  1. D. Kastsian and M. Mönnigmann. Optimization of nonlinear dynamical systems with guaranteed stability and robustness.  5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Hamburg, 30. September - 2. October 2013
  1. D.M. Raimondo, M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. Approximate Nonlinear Explicit MPC Based on Reachability Analysis.  Tutorial Session on Theory and Practice of Explicit MPC, European Control Conference 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
  1. M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. Exakte Berechnung null-steuerbarer Gebiete für bilineare Eingrössensysteme mit Zustands- und Eingangsbeschränkungen.  GMA Fachtagung 2013, Salzburg, 16.-18. September 2013
  1. A. Dittrich and T. Quaiser and M. Mönnigmann and F. Schaper. Application of identifiability-based model refinement to analyse the function of SHP-2 in early IL-6-induced Jak/STAT signaling.  Conference on Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells, Leipzig, 9.-11. July, 2012
  1. M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. Explizite modellprädiktive Regelung nichtlinearer Systeme.  Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, 29. Februar - 02. März 2012
  1. S. Leonow and M. Mönnigmann. Entwurf modellprädiktiver Regelungen für Speicherkraftwerke.  ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2012, Karlsruhe, 10.-13. September 2012 (accepted) more.. 
  1. Nielsen, L. and Leithner, R. and Qi, D. and Grote, W. and Kastsian, D. and Mönnigmann, M. Isobares GuD - Druckluftspeicherkraftwerk mit Wärmespeicher.  6th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference and Exhibition (IRES 2011), Berlin, 28.-30. November 2011
  1. A. Dittrich and T. Quaiser and F. Schaper and M. Mönnigmann. Data driven model identication and optimal experimental design for a SHP2-focused model of IL6-induced JAK/STAT signaling.  The 12th International Conference on Systems Biology, Heidelberg/Mannheim, 28. August - 01. September 2011
  1. M. Kastsian, M. Jost and M. Mönnigmann. Ansätze zur schnellen Berechnung und Auswertung expliziter modellprädiktiver Regelgesetze.  GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40 ''Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik'', Salzburg, Österreich, 18.-21. September 2011
  1. M. Kastsian and M. Mönnigmann. Fast model and optimization based control on lean embedded systems.  Workshop on Embedded Systems, Signal Processing, and IT Security (ESSPRITS), Waterloo, Canada, 20.-21. October 2011
  1. M. Schulze Darup, M. Jost, M. Kastsian and M. Mönnigmann. Towards suboptimal explicit nonlinear model predictive control with guaranteed stability.  Workshop on Embedded Systems, Signal Processing, and IT Security (ESSPRITS), Waterloo, Canada, 20.-21. October 2011
  1. T. Quaiser and A. Dittrich and F. Schaper and M. Mönnigmann. Model simplification work flow applied to a model of JAK-STAT signaling.  The 11th International Conference on Systems Biology, Edinburgh, Scotland, 10.-16. October 2010
  1. D. Kastsian and M. Mönnigmann. Robust optimization of discretized dynamical systems with stability constraints.  SIAM Annual Meeting 2009, Denver, CO, USA, 6.-10. July 2009
  1. D. Kastsian and M. Mönnigmann. Modellbasierte robuste Optimierung von zeitdiskreten Prozessen mit garantierter Stabilität.  ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2009, Mannheim, 8.-10. September 2009
  1. T. Quaiser and A. Dittrich and F. Schaper and M. Mönnigmann. Model based identification of IL-6-induced gp130 signaling pathway.  German Symposium On Systems Biology 2009, Heidelberg, 12.-15. May 2009
  1. A. Dittrich and T. Quaiser and D. Schwache and M. Mönnigmann and F. Schaper. A systems biology view of IL-6-induced signal transduction.  GBM, Signal Transduction and Disease, Aachen, 27.-30. September 2009
  1. D. Kastsian and M. Mönnigmann. Optimization of discrete time supply chain models with guaranteed robust stability and feasibility.  AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 16.-21. November, 2008
  1. S. Chen, C. Schlitzberger, R. Leithner, and M. Mönnigmann. Modelling and simulation of a propane SOFC system with integrated fuel reformation using recycled anode exhaust gas.  8th European SOFC Forum, Luzern, Switzerland, 30. Juni - 04. Juli 2008
  1. R.-U. Dietrich, J. Oelze, A. Lindermeier, O. Carlowitz, C. Spitta, M. Steffen, B. Schönbrod, A. Heinzel, H. Stagge, H.-P. Beck, C. Schlitzberger, S. Chen, M. Mönnigmann, and R. Leithner. SOFC-Brennstoffzelle mit partieller Anodenabgas-Rückführung zur Reformierung.  6. VDI Fachtagung Brennstoffzelle, Braunschweig, 27.-28. May 2008
  1. M. Mönnigmann. A new efficient eigenvalue bounding method for convexity detection in global optimization and control.  AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 16.-21. November 2008
  1. M. Mönnigmann, J. Gerhard, and W. Marquardt. Design of uncertain discrete time systems with constructive nonlinear dynamics.  AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 16.-21. November 2006
  1. A. Herrmann, M. Vogt, M. Mönnigmann, P. C. Heinrich, and G. Müller-Newen. Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of persistently activated STAT3 analyzed in single cells.  6th International Cytokine Conference 2006, Wien, Austria, 27.-31. August 2006
  1. M. Mönnigmann and C. A. Floudas. Loop structure prediction with flexible stem geometries.  AIChE Annual Meeting 2005, Cincinnati, USA, 31. October - 4. November 2005
  1. M. Mönnigmann and W. Marquardt. Constructive nonlinear dynamics in Process Systems Engineering.  Dynamics Days 2005, Berlin, 25.-28. Juli 2005
  1. J. Hahn, M. Mönnigmann, and W. Marquardt. Determining the effect of model uncertainty on controller and observer design via bifurcation analysis.  AIChE Annual Meeting 2003, San Francisco, USA, 16.-21. November 2003
  1. R. Grosch, M. Mönnigmann, and W. Marquardt. Integrated robust optimal design and control of an MSMPR crystallization process.  AIChE Anual Meeting 2003, San Francisco, USA, 16.-21. November 2003
  1. M. Mönnigmann, V. Gehrke, and W. Marquardt. Nonlinear dynamics in process design.  14th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA), Prague, Czech Republic, 27.-31. August 2000
  1. M. Mönnigmann and W. Marquardt. Chemical process optimization with guaranteed robustness of nonlinear dynamics characteristics.  AIChE Annual Meeting 2000, Los Angeles, USA, 12.-17. November 2000
  1. M. Mönnigmann and W. Marquardt. Bifurcation theory based design of chemical engineering processes.  Workshop on Bifurcations: Numerical Methods, Software, Applications, Gent, Belgium, 29.-30. Juni 2000
  1. S. A. Larin, M. Mönnigmann, M. Strösser, and V. Dohm. Five-loop results and Borel resummation for the specific heat in the 3d phi-4-theory.  STATPHYS20, XXth IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Paris, France, 20.-24. Juli 1998
  1. M. Strösser and S. A. Larin and M. Mönnigmann and V. Dohm. Three-loop results for universal amplitude ratios of 4He.  NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Workshop on Fundamental Physics in Microgravity, Oxnard, USA, 23.-25. Juni 1998

Invited lectures

  1. R. Mitze and M. Mönnigmann. Algebraic dynamic programming for constrained linear-quadratic optimal control problems.  Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, 29. March 2019. 2019
  1. D. Dillkötter and M. Mönnigmann. Model based feedforward control of the laser metal deposition process.  Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, 29. March 2019. 2019
  1. P. Berner and M. Mönnigmann. Event-Triggered Networked MPC.  Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, 10. April 2018. 2018
  1. K. König and M. Mönnigmann. Speeding up regional predictive control – An optimal and suboptimal approach.  Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, 10. April 2018. 2018
  1. Y. Löhr and M. Mönnigmann. Optimal operation of electrical heating systems with (hybrid) model predictive control.  Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, 09. November 2018. 2018
  1. R. Dyrska and M. Mönnigmann. Accelerating nonlinear model predictive control by constraint removal.  Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, 09. November 2018. 2018
  1. J. Otten and M. Mönnigmann. Robuste Stabilität als Nebenbedingung bei der Optimierung von unsicheren Systemen mit Totzeit.  Seminar Automatisierungstechnik, Institut für Regelungs- und Steuerungssysteme, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). 2017
  1. K. König and M. Mönnigmann. Regionale prädiktive Regelung - MPC als stückweise affine Verallgemeinerung des linearen Riccati-Reglers.  Dresdner Automatisierungstechnische Kolloquien, Fraunhofer-Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme IVI, Dresden, 06. November 2017. 2017
  1. Y. Löhr and M. Mönnigmann. Latent heat storage and heat pumps for load management of electric grids - Control concept.  ECES Annex 28 DESIRE - 7th experts meeting and workshop, Copenhagen, 27. April 2017. 2017
  1. M. Mönnigmann. Fast model predictive control.  Kolloquium Technische Kybernetik, Institut für Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik, Uni Stuttgart. 2012
  1. M. Mönnigmann. Fast model predictive control.  Optimization in Engineering Center Seminar, K.U. Leuven. 2012
  1. M. Mönnigmann. Explicit MPC: Towards nanosecond MPC.  Workshop on predictive control for embedded systems, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui. 2012
  1. M. Schulze Darup and M. Mönnigmann. Explizite prädiktive Regelung nichtlinearer Systeme unter Verwendung suboptimaler Regelgesetze.  Beiträge zur Regelungstechnik, RWTH Aachen, 12. Juli 2012. 2012
  1. M. Mönnigmann. Automatic convexity detection with applications in nonlinear control and global optimization.  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA. 2008
  1. M. Mönnigmann, J. Gerhard, and W. Marquardt. Constructive nonlinear dynamics - applications to a tryptophan biosynthesis model.  Workshop on systems biology, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Math, Linz, Austria, 5.-9. November, 2007. 2007
  1. M. Mönnigmann and W. Marquardt. Constructive nonlinear dynamics for the design of nonlinear dynamical systems.  Workshop Mathematische Systemtheorie, Elgersburg. 2007


  1. M. Smart, S. Shvartsman, M. Mönnigmann. Nonlinear dynamics of habituating systems: learning to ignore.  American Physical Society March Meeting.
  1. R. Mitze and M. Mönnigmann. Explicit linear model predictive control by dynamic programming with active sets and by exploiting symmetries. more..   Software.
  1. R. Mitze, D. Dillkötter, and M. Mönnigmann. Fast and smooth surface B-spline interpolation for regularly spaced data with VHDL code generator. more..   Software.
  1. K. König and M. Mönnigmann. A robust regional MPC approach.
  1. K. König and M. Mönnigmann. Regional predictive control with suboptimally extended regions of validity.
  1. K. König and M. Mönnigmann. Simulation studies on regional predictive control.
  1. Y. Löhr, D. Wolf, C. Pollerberg, A. Hörsting and M. Mönnigmann. Supervisory model predictive control for PV battery and heat pump system with phase change slurry thermal storage.
  1. R. Dyrska and R. Mitze, and M. Mönnigmann. Accelerated Nonlinear Model Predictive Control by Exploiting Saturation.
  1. Y. Kouhi, J. Müller, S. Leonow, and M. Mönnigmann. Estimating load points of a motor-pump system using pressure and inverter drive data. more..
  1. S. Leonow and M. Mönnigmann. Adaptiver Zweipunktregler und Verfahren zur adaptiven Zweipunktregelung.  DE 10 2018 004 989 B3.
  1. J. Otten and M. Mönnigmann. Normal Vectors on Modified Hopf Manifolds of Delay Differential Equations. more..   Automatic Control and Systems Theory, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
  1. M. Jost, G. Pannocchia and M. Mönnigmann. Simulation studies on online constraint removal with a Lyapunov function. more..
  1. M. Mönnigmann and M. Kastsian. Schnelle explizite modellprädiktive Regelung. more..   DE 10 2010 037 904.2.
  1. W. Marquardt, M. Mönnigmann, T. Beelitz, B. Lang, P. Willems, and C. H. Bischof. Robust design of dynamical systems.  European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI), Newsletter.